Dean of the Faculty:
Associate Professor, Doctor
of Technical Sciences
Valery Victorovych
Associate Professor, Doctor of Technical
Ludmila Oleksandrivna
Departments Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances Industrial Biotechnology and General Chemistry Labor Protection and Life Safety Metallurgy of Ferrous Metals named after prof. V.I. Loginov Metal Forming named after prof. B.M. Iliukovych Condensed Matter Physics Ecology and Environmental ProtectionMetallurgical Faculty
Dean of the Faculty: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Valerii V. Peremitko Deputy Deans: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Valerii O. Makhovskyi; Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Olga L. Kosynska
The faculty comprises the following departments:
•Metallurgical direction:
-Metallurgy of Ferrous Metals named after prof. V.I. Loginov (head of the
department- Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Ye.M. Sigarov); -Metal
Forming named after prof. B.M. Iliukovych (head of the department –
Doctor of Technical Sciences, ProfessorS.V. Yershov); -Condensed Matter
Physics (head of the department- Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
O.B. Lysenko);
•Chemical Technology direction:
-Chemical Technology of
Inorganic Substances(headof the department- Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Professor M.D. Voloshyn);
-Industrial Biotechnology and General Chemistry (head of the department- Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate ProfessorI.M. Korniienko);
-Ecology and Environmental Protection(headof the department- Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor O.V. Zberovskyi);
-Labor Protection and Life Safety (head of the department- Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate ProfessorA.O. Tolok).
The Faculty provides training of Bachelors and Masters in six specialties (except the last one) in full-time or part-time modes and offers state funded training programs and paid tuition. Today 590 full-time and part-time students study at the Faculty.
There are 10 Doctors of Sciences and 39 Candidates of Sciences at the
Faculty. The main scientific fields of research are:
-theory and practice
of oxygen converter steelmaking, cast iron treatment outside blast furnaces
(prof. Ye.M. Sigarov, prof. A.G. Cherniatevych);
-theory and practice of
rolling processes (prof. O.P. Maksymenko, prof. S.V. Yershov);
of metastable structural state (prof. O.B. Lysenko);
research of properties and practical use of composite materials (prof. O.I.
-physico-chemistry of heterogeneous water systems (prof. M.D.
-industrial biotechnology (prof. V.M.
-environmental protection (prof. O.V.
-environmental problems of mining complex esterritories
(prof. D.S. Pikarenia);
-problems of labor protection in various fields
of economy and lifesafety (the staff of the corresponding department).
Talented scientists, educators, qualified staff of the Faculty have made a significant contribution to the development of domestic science and industry. Thousands of metallurgical engineers have been trained for the national economy.
Over the course of many years the recognized scientific schools in the fields of blast-furnace production, steelmaking processes, the theory and technology of rolling production, solid state physics, chemistry, biotechnology, environmental protection and life safetyhave been formed. In addition to the aforementioned scientists, significant results were achieved in the works of professors V.I. Loginov, A.P. Ogurtsov, M.M. Chernov, B.I. Iliukovych-Strakovskyi, Ye.M. Kryvko, Yu.V. Fedorov, O.O. Kuznietsov and others.
Departments of the Faculty have classrooms and laboratories with necessary educational facilities where the students have the opportunity to complete their term papers and graduate thesis successfully as well as to conduct their scientific researches.
The specialized library of technical literature, a reading hall, computer
rooms and a hostel are at the disposal of students.The Faculty offers
postgraduate training programs in:
•Metallurgy of Ferrous Metals (A.G.
Cherniatevych, Ye.M. Sigarov,);
•Material Science (O.P. Maksymenko, S.V.
Yershov, V.V. Peremitko);
•Solid State Physics (O.B. Lysenko, O.I.
•Foundry of Ferrous and Nonferrous Metals (A.P. Yeremenko, I.V.
•Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances (prof. M.D.
•Ecological Safety (prof. O.V. Zberovskyi).
Due to the existing integration ties students are provided with practice bases at Ukrainian metallurgical and chemical enterprises and can work for them as engineers and managers after graduation.
Officially the Metallurgical Faculty was established in 1953. This event was preceded by more than three decades of productive, hard work of talented teaching staff led by such well-known scientists as Academician, Vice-president of the USSR I.P. Bardeen, Professor B.A. Brylliantov; Professor I.A. Andreev; Associate Professor D.I. Lyhnyakevych. With their efforts our graduates have become leading specialists in metallurgical industry, known throughout the state heads-production workers, scientists, statesmen, politicians.
Deans of Metallurgical Department for more than 50 years history were I.M. Halyemin (1953-1957), V.M. Yuferova (1957-1958), M.M. Chernov (1958-1964), V.V. Revenko (1964-1966), V.M. Milutin (1966-1974), A.P. Ogurtcov (1974-1978). Twenty-five years – from 1978 to 2003 – Dean was Mykola Ksenofontovych Siharov who made a significant contribution to the development of the faculty. Since September 2003 Associate Professor V.V. Peremitko has been heading the Department. Now the Metallurgical Faculty consists of five departments: Ferrous Metallurgy Department, Foundry Department, Plastic Metal Working Department, Welding Technology and Equipment Department and Condensed Matter Physics Department.
The Ferrous Metallurgy Department – one of the oldest in the Faculty, was founded in 1926. During its existence, many highly skilled specialists, who occupied a leading position in metallurgical and other enterprises in different years, were trained, such as Z.S. Korchenko (graduated in 1929), the chief steelmaker of Dneprovsky Integrated Iron&Steel Works named after Dzerzhinsky, winner of the State Prize of the USSR; K.A. Zuts (graduated in 1932), Candidate of Technical Sciences, the Chair of the Metallurgical Furnaces Department at Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute, USSR State Prize Laureate; V.P. Pogorilyy (graduated in 1935), chief engineer of “Kryvorizhstal”; A.P. Titkov (graduated in 1935), a director of Makeyevka tube-casting plant; V.D. Diordiyev (graduated in 1937), Hero of Social Labor, a director of Kramatorsk steelworks; L.A. Chevela (graduated in 1938), the chief steelmaker of Dneprovsky Integrated Iron&Steel Works named after Dzerzhinsky, S.M. Gubenko (graduated in 1960), the chief converter of Minchermet USSR; A.I. Trusyeyev (graduated in 1960), the chief of the Besemerivsky shop of Dneprovsky Integrated Iron&Steel Works named after Dzerzhinsky; G.A. Kamchatniy (graduated in 1966), a chief of the converter shop at Enakievo plant. In addition, many graduates of Ferrous Metals Department became well-known scientists such as W.W. Meltzer (graduated in 1971), Professor of Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute; N.P. Swenolobov (graduated in 1951), Professor of Thermal Engineering Department at Dnipropetrovsk Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine; E.I. Isayev (graduated in 1951), Professor of Metallurgy Steel Department at Dnipropetrovsk Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine; A.P. Ogurtsov (graduated in 1964), Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Honored Worker of Science, Academician of Academy of Science and Higher School of Ukraine; E.M. Kryvko (graduated in 1970), Professor of DSTU, Doctor of Technical Sciences and many others.
The Metal Forming Department has been existing since 1930, since transforming the working college into the evening institute, and trains engineers, metallurgists and experts in the field of rolling, wire drawing, forging and pipe industries. Over the years the department was headed by well-known scientists: Associate Professors D.I. Lyhnyakevych, L.F. Molotkov, A.O. Nefedov. Since 1973 the department was headed by Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences B.N. Ilyukovych-Strakovskyy. In different periods of the department existing well-known scientists with great work experience worked there, such as Doctors of Technical Sciences V.A. Nikolaev, Y.I. Kokovihin; Candidates of Technical Sciences V.N. Ershov, B.V. Merekin, V.D. Yesipov, P.M. Ivshin, B.M. Boyko; Senior Lecturer A.P. Cherneta and others.
During its existence the department has trained thousands of professionals who occupy high positions in steel mills and research institutes. Directors of Dneprovsky Integrated Iron&Steel Works named after Dzerzhinsky were department’s graduates Candidate of Technical Sciences A.P. Sichevyy, Candidates of Technical Sciences M.P. Pidbereznyy, V.V. Pyhtin; major calibrators V.V. Denisov, L.A. Knyazev, major distributors E.S. Salatsynskyy, heads of rolling mills were A.P. Sichevyy, V.V. Pyhtin, G.Y. Shapovalov, G.P. Gubko, M.M. Shentsel, L.M. Neklesa, A.M. Pecherysa.
Since 1966, the university began training foundry engineers. The Department of Foundry Industry Steel has trained casters. The first graduation was held in 1971 and two years later a separate the Foundry Department was established and headed by veteran of World War II, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences P.T. Shevchuk. Later the department was headed by Associate Professors A.M. Surhuchov, L.I. Pronsk and A.P. Eremenko. Now the department is headed by the graduate of Steel Metallurgy Department Professor O.V. Gress.
For thirty years, the Department has prepared more than 1,600 professionals. Young professionals and graduates of previous years work successfully at the enterprises and institutions. There are favorable reviews on them, so we can be justly proud of them and feel the pleasure that hard work of teachers was not in vain.
We mention only some graduates of the department: S. Brodsky, Chairman of the Ukrainian Association of steelmakers; M. Sviridov, Director of VerhneDniprovsky machine factory; V. Sidak, General Director Assistant of “Dneprovagonmash”; V. Chychyban, General Director Assistant at the Dneprovsky Integrated Iron&Steel Works; Y. Beletsky, Deputy Director of “DniproAzot”; A. Sitalo, Chief Research and Production Association (NPO) Dneprovsky Integrated Iron&Steel Works, V. Motsny, Deputy Chief RPA Dneprovsky Integrated Iron&Steel Works; O. Kucher, Head of Technical Department foundry aviation Antonov’s plant; A.N. Kulminska, chief technologist of JSC “Dnieprodzerzhinsky car plant”; E. Surhuchov, Head of continuous casting of steel TSLK Dneprovsky Integrated Iron&Steel Works; S. Chornousov, Head of Marketing “Krivorizhstal”; N. Tyutkina, Chief Metallurgist DSLZ; Y. Zalyevskyy, head of department of OJSC “Zirconium”; A. Adamov, Deputy Head SP Dneprovsky Integrated Iron&Steel Works; V. Kucher, Chief Project Engineer Kyiv Design Institute; E. Blazhevych, Chief of the Technology Office of Dneprovsky Integrated Iron&Steel Works; A. Seleznev, leading designer of JSC “Road Machines” and others.
The Welding Technology and Equipment Department was founded in 1966, originally as a substantive committee, which was part of the Metallurgy Iron Department. The creation was due to high demand for engineers and welders. The founder and first chair of the department was Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences V. N. Milutin. The first graduation was held in 1971.
At different times the staff of the department performed self-financing research and development for Dneprovsky Integrated Iron&Steel Works, JSC “Dneprovagonmash”, JSC “DniproAzot” PA “Ukrburgaz” (city Urengoi) the building of canal “Dnepr-Donbass”, enterprises in Moscow, Lipetsk and other cities. Senior scientific worker E.O. Cherednik and the chief of the laboratory V.A. Koloda took active participation in these studies. V.A. Koloda defended thesis for obtaining Candidate degree on the results of this work and later became a senior lecturer at the department.
Today, the department works with scientific research in improving the technology of welding and arc welding, welding materials creation, simulation of different welding processes and weldability of structural materials. The staff of the Department is proud of their graduates who are true professionals, organizers of production, talented scientists. Among them, the main welders of factories A. Letova-Troiska (JSC “Yaroslavlenerho”, Russia), S. Tonkoshkur (JSC “Dniprotyazhmash”), M. Prudkiy (JSC “Dnepropetrovsk plant of metalware named after I.A.Babushkin”); Candidate of Technical Sciences P. Ivchenko, O. Biliy, J. Krykent, V. Fedichev, A. Lisniy, General Director of JSC “Dneprovagonmash” L. Lazarev and others.
History of the Condensed Matter Physics Department of Dniprodzerzhinsk State Technical University referred to the Rolling, Metallurgy and Heat Treatment Department of Dneprodzerzhinsk Metallurgical Institute established in 1950. With the reorganization of the institute structure, aimed to improving training, in 1965 the Metallurgy and Heat Treatment Engineering Department separated from it. The staff of the department performed the learning process for students of all the specialities, conducted research work on the improvement of steels and alloys, methods of processing, the creation of new instruments and equipment. First Chair of the Department was Candidate of Technical Sciences Y.A. Sysuev. For 15 years the department was headed by Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences L.L. Piatakov. In 1988 the department was reorganized into producing department of Metalwork Manufacturing, Metallurgy and Heat Treatment. With the opening of a new university speciality 7.070102 “Solid State Physics” the department of the same name was established on the basis of the department mentioned above. In 2010 the department was renamed into the Condensed Matter Physics Department.
To date, the Department has trained about 120 physicist-specialists. Creative atmosphere established in the department contributed to the 15 graduates choosing to link their future with the scientific activity in the chosen specialty.
Dean of the Faculty:
Associate Professor, Doctor of
Technical Sciences
Valery Victorovych
Phone: (0569)
e-mail: welding@dstu.dp.ua
I Deputy Dean:
Associate Professor, Doctor of Technical
Ludmila Oleksandrivna
Phone: (05692)
II Deputy Dean:
Associate Professor, Doctor of Technical
Igor Volodymyrovych
Phone: (0569) 3-71-63,
(056) 55-16-02
Postal address:
51900, Dneprodzerzhinsk,
Dnipropetrovsk region.
Str. Dniprobudivska 2, building 3, room № 412